February 27, 2023 | In selling-guides

How to Sell Your RV Fast!

By RVCrazy Team

Are you in the market for a new RV, but finding it difficult to sell your old one? Don't make the mistake of listing it without proper preparation and market knowledge, as it can lead to a long wait and a lower sale price.

If your goal is to make as much money as possible, selling your RV requires careful planning and consideration. It's important to research and understand the current market for RVs, including factors like supply and demand, seasonal trends, and popular models.

In today's market, buyers expect detailed information and high-quality photos online, so it's essential to have your RV in excellent condition before listing it. At RVCrazy.com, we've compiled a list of five essential tips to help you sell your RV quickly and efficiently in 2023.


Prior to selling your RV, it's crucial to ensure that all necessary services and repairs have been completed, and that the mechanical components are in good working order. A malfunction during a test drive could deter potential buyers and hurt your selling price. Neglecting to address any issues before selling can also negatively impact the sale.

Regular maintenance is essential for your RV, and keeping records of all services can be helpful when it comes time to sell. However, investing in costly upgrades such as the latest Solar Power Panels may not necessarily increase the resale value, so it's important to keep this in mind.

How To Sell Your RV Fast

Spring Clean

Selling an RV requires attention to presentation, much like selling a home. Therefore, it's important to clean and stage your RV to make it as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Start by thoroughly cleaning the interior and exterior of the vehicle, ensuring that everything is in working order.

Removing any personal items and clutter can help potential buyers envision themselves in the RV. Consider adding some decorative touches to create a more inviting atmosphere, such as fresh flowers or attractive throw pillows.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for potential buyers. A well-staged RV can make a huge difference in attracting buyers and achieving a faster sale.

True Value

When looking to sell your RV, it is important that the price point of your listing reflects what buyers in the market for a vehicle like yours would be willing to pay. To determine the fair market value of your RV quickly, you can use RVCrazy's valuation tool. This will give you a good starting point and allow for some flexibility in negotiations.

Additionally, you can browse RVCrazy's search results for RVs similar to yours to get a sense of current pricing trends. This information can help you set a more competitive price that will attract potential buyers and increase your chances of a fast sale.

Ultimately, setting the right price is critical when selling your RV, and leveraging available tools and resources can help you do so effectively.

How To Sell Your RV Fast

Great Photos Sell Your RV!

When it comes to selling your RV, high-quality photos are essential in capturing the attention of potential buyers. Images that are blurry, poorly lit, or unappealing can deter buyers and result in a longer wait time for a sale. On the other hand, clear and attractive photos can showcase the best features of your RV and generate interest from potential buyers. A picture can say a thousand words, and this is especially true when it comes to online listings. Good quality photos can help buyers visualize themselves in the RV, making them more likely to schedule a viewing or even make an offer. Therefore, investing in professional photography or taking the time to capture high-quality images yourself can make a significant difference in how quickly and efficiently you sell your RV.

Listing Your RV

The bottom line is if you want to sell your RV quickly, safely, and for the best price, then you should sell your RV online, and there are a number of ways you can do this.

  • RVCrazy.com - Attracting thousands of RV buyers each month, RVCrazy.com provides a prime platform to showcase your RV. Your listing will also be featured on Facebook Marketplace, which further increases your exposure to potential buyers. As most RV shoppers use a computer, smartphone, or tablet to find their next RV, RVCrazy.com ensures that your RV is visible to millions of potential buyers at any time, on any device. Plus, the user-friendly platform allows you to make changes or updates to your listing easily and as often as needed. You can also view how many people have viewed your ad, monitor activity, and receive incoming buyer inquiries, providing valuable insight into the performance of your listing.
  • eBay and other online auction sites - Online auction sites like eBay are immensely popular and can be an effective way to receive competitive bids from interested parties. In the past, some sellers were hesitant to use these platforms because they were concerned they might not get enough money for their RV or other properties. However, now you can set a "Limit" that ensures your item will not sell unless the highest bid is above your stated limit.
  • RV Forum Sites - Internet forums offer a valuable opportunity to connect with individuals who share similar interests, ask questions, and engage in conversations regardless of physical distance. Many RV forums have dedicated sales boards where you can create a topic specifically for selling your RV. Here, you can provide details and photos of your RV, and other members can ask questions and even submit offers.
  • Craigs List - Websites such as Craigslist have been useful to many people in expanding the reach of their sales. However, the downside is that your ad can easily be lost among other local ads for items unrelated to your RV.

Offline Options

  • RV Broker - You could also list your RV with a broker, giving you access to their entire network of contacts and referrals, but this can sometimes be a little costly. Selling an RV on consignment can be a divisive option for RV owners. Similar to selling a house, consigning an RV means enlisting a third party to represent you and your vehicle. This option typically comes with a commission fee, and depending on the dealership or service, additional fees may apply.
  • RV Dealerships - RV dealerships are experienced in negotiating the value of trade-ins. Typically, they will offer to purchase your old RV for around 10 to 20% less than its NADA "Book" value. This difference compensates them for the space your RV takes up on their sales lot and is how they make money on its eventual resale. While selling your RV to a dealership won't earn you the maximum profit, it can give you some leverage if you're upgrading to a larger or more expensive RV.
  • For Sale sign - Placing a "For Sale By Owner" sign in the window of your RV could be an effective way to sell it locally, especially if you live near popular outdoor attractions and tourist destinations. To increase your chances of getting noticed and getting a response, try to park your RV in a high-traffic area instead of just leaving it in your driveway or at the curb in front of your house.
How to Sell Your RV Fast
Placing your listing across the board makes sense, but your focus should primarily be on RV marketplaces. It’s never been easier to sell your RV online thanks to RVCrazy. It takes just 2 minutes to place your RV on our For Sale By Owner platform, there is a one-time low fee and your RV is good until sold!
Sell Your RV Fast on RVCrazy!
RVCrazy Team
Written by: RVCrazy Team

February 27, 2023